Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft e.V.

Protokoll zum 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium fuer Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung

Proceedings of the 30th Schmucker-Weidelt-Colloquium for Electromagnetic Depth Research

Inhalt /Content

Extended Abstracts

P. Semper, E. A. Bertrand, G. Caldwell, W. Heise, M. Scheunert, K. Spitzer

Three-Dimensional Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data from Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand


Ismael M. Ibraheem, Pritam Yogeshwar, Rainer Bergers, Bülent Tezkan

Geophysical Investigation of the Weidenpesch Waste Site in Cologne, Germany


L. Römhild, G. Fiandaca, P. Bayer

Hydraulic conductivity imaging by induced polarization and hydraulic tomography


Anna Platz, Ute Weckmann, Cedric Patzer

Smart data selection - First insights from using machine learning for controlled-source RMT data processing


Short Abstracts

Klaus Spitzer, Jan Blechta, Jana Börner, Ralph-Uwe Börner, Michael Eiermann,
Oliver Ernst, Mathias Scheunert

FEMALY: A Finite Element MAtlab LibrarY for Electromagnetics


P. Yogeshwar, Y. Liu, R. Peng , B. Blanco-Arrué , H. Nienhaus, X. Hu

3D Inversion of Loop-Source Time-Domain Electromagnetic Data - Application to Synthetic &
Field Data


Saeed Nazari, Raphael Rochlitz, Thomas Günther, DESMEX group

Semi-Airborne Electromagnetic Survey Design and Inversion for Large-Scale Mineral Exploration
in the Harz Area, Germany


B. Blanco-Arrué, P. Yogeshwar, B. Tezkan, Y. Liu, R. Peng, V. Wennrich

Multidimensional inversion of sedimentary sequences in the Atacama Desert, Chile, using transient electromagnetic data


A. Haroon, A. E. Pastoressa, B. Campo, C. Pellegrini, Z. Faghih, A. Mercorella, G. Franz, M. Rovere,
F. Trincardi, M. Everett, A. Micallef

First results from a new surface-towed controlled source electromagnetic experiment to detect offshore extensions of freshwater aquifers in the Adriatic Sea


Mathias Scheunert, Jan Blechta, Jana Börner, Martin Sonntag, Klaus Spitzer

Virtual experiments on an IP laboratory measurement


Jana H. Börner, Peter Menzel, Mathias Scheunert

Effect of microvariability on electrical rock properties: investigations based on microstructure simulations


Fereydoun Sharifi, Bülent Tezkan

1D modeling of TEM data influenced by IP effects


Sascha Weit, Klaus Spitzer, Mathias Scheunert, Oliver Rheinbach

Ongoing Approaches for utilizing Neural Networks in DC Resistivity Inversion


W. Mörbe, P. Yogeshwar, B. Tezkan, P. Kotowski, A. Thiede, A. Steuer, R. Rochlitz, T. Guenther,
K. Brauch, M. Becken

Semi-airborne electromagnetic exploration for deep earth resources - large scale multi source 3D imaging of a graphite deposit



O. Ritter, U. Weckmann, T. Fromm, A. Grayver

Magnetotelluric data from the grounding zone of the Ekström Ice Shelf, East Antarctica


M. Weiss, M. Neytcheva, T. Kalscheuer

An iterative solution framework based on the Block-Based PREconditioner for Square Blocks PRESB:
robustness, efficiency and scalability


B. Pereyra Quiroga, E. Meneses Rioseco, G. Kapinos, H. Brasse

3-D MT model of the Laguna Colorada - Sol de Mañana geothermal field in SW Bolivia


P. Kotowski, M. Becken, R. Rochlitz, J. Schmalzl, M. Ronczka, S. Ueding

Employment of drone-towed sensors in semi-airborne EM studies


A. Thiede, M. Schiffler, M. Becken, S. Bräuer, M. Schneider, R. Stolz, A. Steuer, C. Plath

Multivariate processing of AFMAG data - Application to the Gobabis demonstration survey (Namibia)


B.F. Göçer, W. Mörbe, P. Yogeshwar, B. Tezkan, M. Israil

Investigation of the shallow geo-electrical resistivity distribution at a fault zone in Sub-Himalayan region in Uttarakhand (India) using Radio-Magnetotellurics


Ming Luo, Pan Li, Yuguo Li, Zhijun Du

Deep Learning Anisotropic CSEM Resistivity Inversion with Federated Networks


Raphael Rochlitz, Philipp Kotowski, Michael Becken, Jörg Schmalzl, Mathias Ronczka,
Thomas Günther, Bernhard Bömer, Frank Oppermann, Juan M. Perez, Juan C. Vazquez

Joint inversion of drone-based semi-airborne data measured in two frequency ranges with scalar and vector magnetometers



R. Klanica, P. Tábořík, J. Stemberk

Imaging of the Iron Mountain and Lusatian thrust faults (Czechia) by audiomagnetotellurics, gravity and resistivity surveys


J. Plett, P. O. Kotowski, M. Becken

Propagation of signal-to-noise ratio into semi-airborne EM inversions


L. Schmitt, U. Weckmann, A. Platz, J. Cruces Zabala, C. Patzer, O. Ritter, J. Araya Vargas

New insights into the DeepEarthShape project (Chile) by comparison of 2D and 3D inversion results of RMT data using GoFEM and ModEM


A. Thiede, M. Becken, S. Ueding, The BGR Aerogeophysics Group

Optimization process of the DESMEX induction coil bird for AFMAG measurements


S. Sanaka, A. Neska

The auroral electrojet, magnetic activity, and source effects in mid latitude induction arrows: Results from longterm observations


B. Siemon, M. Ibs-von Seht

Airborne Geophysical Peat Volume Mapping: Advantages and Limitations Compared to Traditional Methods


F.J. Martínez-Moreno, P. Baltazar-Soares, L. González-Castillo, C. Castro, J. Galindo-Zaldívar, F.A. Monteiro-Santos,
J. Alves-Ribeiro, A. Mateus, A. Junge

Preliminary insights into the lithospheric structure of the Iberian Pyrite belt in Portuguese terrains through magnetotelluric research


S. Schöttle, M. Smirnova, M. Smirnov, A. Grayver, P. Yogeshwar, B. Tezkan

CSEM modelling of different sources in the RMT frequency band including displacement currents


E. Şen, P. Yogeshwar, W. Mörbe, B. Tezkan

Investigation of the Garzweiler Coal Deposit using Central and Fixed Loop Transient Electromagnetics


H. Nienhaus, P. Yogeshwar, W. Mörbe, B. Tezkan, C. Büttner, B. Lushetile, M. Melles

Geophysical Imaging of the Roter Kamm Crater, Namibia, using the Transient Electromagnetic Method


G. Kapinos, P. Yogeshwar, F. Lindenmaier, N. Atteyat, N. Jahed, A. Margane, M. Toll, F. Brückner

Joint Transientelectromagnetic and Magnetotelluric characterization of deep aquifers in North Jordan


T. Vondenhoff, B. Blanco-Arrué, J. Roas, B. Tezkan, D. Díaz, P. Yogeshwar

TEM at breathtaking heights: Investigating fumaroles on Lastarria Volcano, Chile


J. Roas Domingo, B. Blanco-Arrué, T. Vondenhoff, B. Tezkan, P. Grunert, P. Yogeshwar

Exploring the Atacama Desert with TEM: Quebrada de los Tiburones and Salar Grande, Chile


A. Neska, M. Neska, R. Szewczyk

Lithospheric resistivity as a damping parameter in Schumann resonances: A chance for planetary exploration?


L. González-Castillo, C. Castro, G. Hill, A. Madarieta-Txurruca, F. Martínez-Moreno, D. Kiyan, P. Hering, C. Hogg,
A. Junge, J. Galindo-Zaldívar

Long period magnetotelluric at the Antarctica: Glacial Isostatic Adjustment imprint in asthenospheric mantle electrical structure. Preliminary results from GOLETA project


C. Castro, L. González-Castillo, F. Martínez-Moreno, A. Madarieta-Txurruca, G. Hill, D. Kiyan, P. Hering, C. Hogg,
J. Galindo-Zaldívar, A. Junge

Deep electrical structure of the Deception Island active volcano (Antarctica) by means of magnetotelluric data


H. Hawighorst, M. Becken

High Voltage DC Power Lines in EM: Preliminary Results


M. K. Díaz, C. Castro, F. Corbo-Camargo, A. Junge, O. Ávila-Vargas, J. Arzate

A magnetotelluric exploration of volcanic structures in the San Pedro-Ceboruco Graben (Mexico): insights from 3D modeling


H. Treppke, M. Becken, R. Rochlitz

Modelling of infrastructure effects in semi-airborne EM data