Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft e.V.

Protokoll zum 29. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium fuer Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung

Proceedings of the 29th Schmucker-Weidelt-Colloquium for Electromagnetic Depth Research

Inhalt /Content

Extended Abstracts

O. J. Cortés Arroyo, A. Steuer, B. Preugschat

Principal component analysis as pre-processing stage for self-organized maps


T. Wang, Jiangtao Han, M. J. Comeau, M. Becken, Z. Zhou

3-D magnetotelluric inversion reveals the superposition of tectonic systems in the northern Songliao Block, NE China


M. J. Comeau, C. Stein, M. Becken, U. Hansen

Towards integrating results from electrical resistivity models into geodynamic modeling to better understand the evolution of the lithosphere


S. Malecki, M. Bär und K. Spitzer

Ein Verfahren zur Rekonstruktion eines Bohrlochverlaufs mittels transientelektromagnetischer Felder


S. Weit, R.-U. Börner, M. Brändel, P. Gödickmeier, R. Gootjes, S. Kost, O. Rheinbach, M. Scheunert, K. Spitzer

Convolutional Neural Networks Applied to 2D and 3D DC Resistivity Inversion


P. Gödickmeier, S. Weit, R.-U. Börner, K. Spitzer

An Image Segmentation Approach for the Detection of Small-scale Magnetic Anomalies


S. Sanaka, A. Neska

Source effects causing non-stationarity in long term mid latitude magnetotelluric data


H. Brasse, J. Galindo

Anomalous induction vectors at the Chilean continental margin – an indication of widespread electrical anisotropy in the forearc crust?



A. Thiede, P. Kotowski, M. Becken, O. Cortés Arroyo, R. Rochlitz, M. Ronczka, G. Günther, H. Petersen,
P. Yogeshwar, V. Schmidt, A. Steuer

First Results from the DESMEX sAEM Survey in Goslar (Harz Mountains, Germany)


B. Blanco-Arrué, P. Yogeshwar, V. Wennrich, B. Tezkan, W. Mörbe, D. Díaz, B. Farah, S. Buske, L. Ninnemann

Integrated geophysical investigation of sedimentary deposits for paleoclimate research in the Atacama Desert, Chile


S. Fadavi Asghari, M. Smirnova, A. Shlykov, B. Tezkan, A. Saraev, P. Yogeshwar

2D/3D interpretation of controlled-source radio-magnetotelluric far field data from Aleksandrovka, Russia


J. H. Börner, V. Herdegen, K. Spitzer

Experiments on crushed rocks as a tool for understanding electrical conductivity


J. Mudler, A. Hördt, D. Kreith

Hochfrequente Spektrale Induzierte Polarisation zur Charakterisierung von Permafrostböden


C. Lieber, A. Haroon, W. Mörbe, C. Ji, K. Lippert, P. Yogeshwar, B. Tezkan

Joint inversion of marine LOTEM and DED data from the Bat Yam coastal aquifer, offshore Israel


P. Li, C. Feng, Z. Du, Y. Li

One-dimensional Deep Learning Inversion of Marine Controlled Source Electromagnetic Data


O. Ritter, S. Rettig, R. Schmitt, C. Müller-Brettschneider, U. Weckmann

Elmar - Electromagnetic Recorder



P. Rulff, T. Kalscheuer

3D NLCG inversion algorithm for CSEM data: discussion about mesh design


S. Schöttle, M. Smirnova, B. Tezkan, P. Yogeshwar

Resolution analysis of different transmitters in Controlled-Source Radio-Magnetotellurics (CSRMT)


H. Nienhaus, P. Yogeshwar, B. Tezkan, M. Melles

Geophysical Imaging of Deep Climate Archives in Namibia using the Transient Electromagnetic Method


A. Thiede, M. Wölke, M. Becken, S. Ueding, P. Kotowski, H. Petersen, A. Steuer

Motion Noise Reduction for Airborne EM using Natural Signal in DESMEX


O.B. Nwosu, M. Becken

Testing the use of elastic-net constrained inversion for magnetic bottom depth(Zb) estimation


T. Vondenhoff, B. Tezkan, P. Yogeshwar, S. Fadavi Asghari

Radiomagnetotelluric Exploration of a Waste Deposit in Cologne


M. Becken, J. Schmalzl, V. Schmidt, P. Kotowski, DESMEX WG

Testing a scalar magnetometer for airborne EM applications


S. Schiebel, W. Mörbe, P. Yogeshwar, T. Günther, M. Tauchnitz, B. Tezkan

Analysis of large scale multidimensional electrical resistivity and induced polarization data from the Kropfmühl graphite deposit, Bavaria/Germany


S. S. Keßler, L. Schmitt, J. H. Börner, F. Sohl, K. Spitzer, C. Schneider, S. Garbade, D. Konigorski, V. Schmid

Electromagnetic simulation and inversion of magnetic field data from planetary and asteroid analogs on the International Space Station (ISS)


O. Cortés Arroyo, A. Steuer, M. Becken, P. Kotowski

Software suites for project DESMEX-II


M. Sonntag, J. H. Börner, V. Herdegen, F. Grahl, K. Spitzer

Electrical monitoring of dynamic drainage and imbibition cycles in different rock-fluid-gas systems


X. Ding, J. Chen, F. Qi, L. Liu, Y. Li

Differencing magnetic gradient tensor system and its application in multiple dipole-like magnetic sources localization


M. Scheunert, J. Blechta, R.-U. Börner, O. Ernst, K. Spitzer

A MATLAB FE Library for the Simulation and Inversion of EM Problems


P. Semper, T. Bertrand, J. Blechta, R.-U. Börner, G. Caldwell, O. Ernst, W. Heise, M. Scheunert, K. Spitzer

2D & 3D Inversion of MT Data Considerung Topography: A case study based on the Chemnitz University of Technology and TU Bergakademie Freiberg FE-Toolbox


I. Ibraheem, B. Tezkan, R. Bergers

Landfill characterization and leachate pathways delineation at a waste disposal site in Cologne, Germany using geophysical techniques


H. Müller, K. Schwalenberg, K. Reeck, Ch. Hilgenfeldt

Marine near-surface electromagnetic signatures of methane gas and palaeorivers in the Central North Sea


K. Backes, R.-U. Börner, M. Scheunert, B. Sprungk, O. Ernst, K. Spitzer

Uncertainty quantification using Bayesian inversion applied to the DC resistivity problem


T. Dai, Y. Li

Decomposition of MT impedance tensor in 1D electric anisotropic media


N. Skibbe, M. Müller-Petke

Contrary and unexplained - Experimental field data of Surface-NuclearMagnetic-Resonance using grounded dipoles


C. Ji, P. Yogeshwar, W, Mörbe, M. Smirnova, A. Haroon, M. Becken, B. Tezkan

2D Joint Inversion for Semi-Airborne and LOTEM Data: A Data Application from Eastern Thuringia, Germany