Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft e.V.

Protokoll zum 27. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium fuer Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung

Proceedings of the 27th Schmucker-Weidelt-Colloquium for Electromagnetic Depth Research

Inhalt /Content

Extended Abstracts

M. J. Comeau, M. Becken, J. S. Käufl, A. Kuvshinov, Hangai WG

The electrical resistivity structure of central Mongolia observed with magnetotelluric data


B. Friedrichs

Paravirtualization of Geophysical Hardware for Mobile Clients (Android, iOS)


C. Ader, K. Spitzer, R.-U. Börner, M. Hort

Virtual Experiments in 3D TEM Forward Modelling including Topography


Präsentationsfolien / Slides

A. Morschhauser, A. Grayver, A. Kuvshinov, F. Samrock, J. Matzka

Magnetotellurics with magnetic observatory data affected by the ocean effect: Methodology and Results


C. Hogg, D. Kiyan, S. Byrdina, J. Vandemeulebrouck, V. Rath, Furnas Working Group

3-D interpretation of short period MT data at Furnas Volcano, Azores islands, Portugal


J. S. Käufl, A. Grayver, A. Kuvshinov

Topographic Distortions of Magnetotelluric Transfer Functions: a High Resolution 3-D Modelling Study using Real Topography


J. Böckmann, K. Lippert, A. Haroon, B. Tezkan, L. Lebbe

Joint Inversion of Differential Electrical Dipole Data and Transient Electromagnetic Data


C. G. Nittinger, M. Cherevatova, M. Becken, T. Martin, H. Petersen, A. Steuer, U. Meyer, B. Siemon, U. Matzander,

B. Friedrichs, W. Mörbe, P. Yogeshwar, B. Tezkan, R. Rochlitz, T. Günther

A Novel Semi-airborne EM System for Mineral Exploration


J. Mudler, G. Fiandaca, C. Hauck, A. Hördt, P. K. Maurya, A. Przyklenk

Capacitively Coupled Resistivity (CCR) measurements to determine frequency-dependent electrical parameters - Data and 2D-Inversion from Schilthorn (Switzerland)



S. Hölz, A. Haroon, M. Jegen, R. Safipour, A. Swidinsky, EM Working Group GEOMAR

Exploration of Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposits with the Novel EM Induction System MARTEMIS


I.M. Ibraheem, M. Gurk, N. Tougiannidis, B. Tezkan

Estimation of basement depths in the neogene Mygdonian basin, Greece, using ground and marine magnetic data


C. Kulüke, A. Hördt, C. Virgil, J. Stoll

Hochauflösendes Gradiometersystem für oberflächennahe Magnetfeldmessungen mit einem UAV


G. Franz, M. Jegen, A. Avdeeva, M. Moorkamp

The Namibian Passive Volcanic Margin Investigations of the South Atlantic Opening with Magnetotelluric and Gravity Data


D. Kiyan, V. Rath, R. Delhaye, M. D. Ture, J. Hodgson

AEMPY – A Pyhton Toolbox for Processing and Inversion of Frequency- and Time-Domain Airborne Electro- Magnetic Data


G. Li, S. Hölz, S. Duan, M. Jegen

Development of a 2D inversion code for marine CSEM using rotational invariants


A. D. Ruthsatz, A. Sarmiento, D. Diaz, H. Brasse

TEM and MT aquifer study in the Profeta Basin, North Chile


T. Lindau, M. Becken

Using impressed cathodic protection currents on pipelines for subsurface imaging – analysis of data from a test site near Herford


I. Muttaqien, M. Gurk, B. Tezkan

First Results of CSRMT Measurements on LSV Radevormwald, Germany


I. M. Ibraheem, G. El-Qady, P. Yogeshwar, B. Tezkan

Groundwater aquifer mapping using VES and TDEM data: a case study, Wadi El-Natrun area and its vicinities, west Nile Delta, Egypt


W. Mörbe, P. Yogeshwar, B. Tezkan

Investigation of deep mineral deposits in Germany: Inversion results of CSEM data in frequency and time domain


S. Duan, S. Hölz, G. Li, A. Dannowski, T. Zander, J. Bialas, M. Jegen

Study on Gas Hydrate Targets in the Danube Delta with the Sputnik Controlled-Source Electromagnetic System


M. Küpper, P. Yogeshwar, B. Tezkan, D. Kiyan, C. Hogg, V. Rath, S. Byrdina, J. Cruz, F. Viveiros, C. Andrade, R. Branco

Investigation of the hydrothermal system below Lagoa das Furnas (São Miguel, Azores) using a Floating TEM system: Measurements and first results


M. Buchner, C. Kühn, H. Brasse

3-D appraisal of (very) early MT data from the Central Andean Volcanic Arc


R. Klanica, V. Červ, J. Pek

Magnetotelluric study of the Eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif: Relations between the Cadomian, Variscan and Alpine Orogeny


L. Mailänder, A. J. P. und Hering

Magnetotellurik im Odenwald


X. Xiao, J. Tang, T. Kalscheuer, C. Zhou, S. Hu, Z. Ren

Preliminary results of magnetotelluric and audio-magnetotelluric data processing and modeling in North Huaiyang area, China


J. Cruces-Zabala, O. Ritter, U. Weckmann, K. Tietze, M. Schmitz

The Mèrida Andes of Venezuela: Magnetotelluric forward modelling and comparison with real data


S. Janser, P. Yogeshwar, B.Tezkan

A 1D-Forward algorithm for the interpretation of ground based and airborne SQUID/Coil TDEM data from arbitrarily shaped sources


M. Cherevatova, C. Nittinger, M. Becken, DESMEX WG

3D inversion of the semi-airborne EM data from Germany


R. Mann, M. Becken, B. Siemon

Inversion of HEM data from the sinkhole area "Heiliges Meer"


B. Siemon, H. Wiederhold, E. van Baaren, W. Dabekaussen, A. Ullmann, A. Steuer, J. Delsman, J. Gunnink

Regionale Grundwassererkundung an der Nordseeküste mit der Hubschrauberelektromagnetik (HEM)


L. M. Schmidt, Z. Ren, T. Kalscheuer, G. Kreiss

2D Boundary Conditions in a 3D EM Finite-Element Forward Modelling


J. Hauser, H. Langenbach, B. Tezkan

Data processing of full waveform time domain IP data


Special section

U. Schmucker

Electromagnetic induction studies with long-periodic geomagnetic variations in Europe - I. Theory and methods of data analysis